491 research outputs found


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    Paper analyses methods of compensations for arbitrary detention or wrong conviction in certain laws of Common Law and Civil Law legal systems. It finds that in the states following the Common Law legal tradition, a priority had been placed on the constitutional character of the right to freedom and security, while granting the right to compensation to the person, affected by arbitrary restraint or wrong conviction, at least ex gratia was provided, unless there is an legal option available to hold state accountable for that damage. However, according to the international standards, states more and more frequently commit themselves to compensations, through the adoption of laws and regulations, when it comes to the violations of constitutionally guaranteed citizen rights that might be somehow related to the omissions of public bodies in performance of their duties. In the legal system of continental Europe, or in other words in the Civil law system, the right to comepnsation in favour of the wrongly convicted person is based on the Constitution, while it is further specified through the general provisions of civil laws or through criminal procedure provisions. It is compensatory in its nature, while it appears that it gradually acquires a punitive character. Despite the differences in applicable mechanisms, their key common feature lays in the fact that the right to compensation in all these cases should redress violations of the right to freedom guaranteed by both constitution and international acts.U radu se analiza način naknade štete zbog neosnovanog lišenja slobode ili neosnovane osude u pojedinim zakonodavstvima anglo-saksonskog i evropsko-kontinentalnog pravnog sistema. Konstatuje se da se u državama anglo-saksonske pravne tradicije primat daje ustavnom karakteru prava na slobodu i sigurnost, a pravo na naknadu štete licu neosnovano lišenim slobode ili neosnovano osuđenom se omogućava makar ex gratia, ukoliko se ne dopušta mogućnost da država bude odgovorna za takvu štetu. Ipak, u skladu sa međunarodnim standardima, država se sve češće i statutarno obavezuje na naknadu štete ako se radi o kršenjima ustavom garantovanih prava građana koji se mogu dovesti u vezu sa propustima u radu državnih organa. U kontinentalno-evropskom pravnom sistemu pravo na naknadu štete u korist neosnovano osuđenog lica temelji se na ustavu, a konkretizuje se kroz opšte odredbe građanskog zakonodavstva ili kroz krivičnoprocesne odredbe. Ono ima kompenzatornu prirodu, ali se zapaža i da naknada sve češće zadobija kazneni karakter. Uprkos razlikama u mehanizmu na koji se ostvaruje, osnovna sličnost zapaža se u činjenici da parvo na naknadu štete u ovim slučajevima treba da omogući otklanjanje posledica kršenja ustavom i međunarodnim aktima garantovanog prava na slobodu


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    This paper analyzes the imprisonment for debtors to pay a fine for a felony or misdemeanor. Legal nature imprisonment for unpaid fine is debatable. Unclear criminal-political reasons for default. The author compares the imprisonment for unpaid fines in German and French law, and the experience in practice in Germany, Sweden, England and Wales and Scotland. Cultural differences between societies affect the commitment of citizens to pay a fine, but in general it can be concluded that that the effective enforced collection (from the earnings or assets of the debtor) or replacement work in the public interest rather than mandatory use of imprisonment for unpaid fines.U radu je analiziran institut zatvaranja u svrhe prinude dužnika na plaćanje novčane kazne izrečene zbog učinjenog krivičnog dela ili prekršaja. Konstatuje se da je sporna pravna priroda supletornog zatvora kao i kriminalno-politički razlozi zbog kojih se određuje. Autor upoređuje rešenja u nemačkom i francuskom zakonodavstvu i navodi iskustva u primeni supletornog zatvora u Nemačkoj, Švedskoj, Engleskoj i Velsu i Škotskoj. Nezavisno od kulturoloških osobenosti datih društava koje utiču na opredeljenje građana da plate novčanu kaznu, generalno se pokazuje efkasnijim prinudna naplata (iz zarade ili imovine dužnika) ili zamena radom u javnom interesu nego obavezna primena zatvora u svrhe prinude dužnika na plaćanje


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    We analyzed the reasons and consequences of decriminalization of defamation in the criminal legislation of Republic Serbia. Examples of comparative law shows that it was possible amendments to legal provisions and practices prevent the occurrence of violation of freedom of expression (violation of Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Freedoms). Decriminalization of libel the question arises as to sufficiency of civil law protection of honor and dignity. The author analyzes the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in witch the whole amount of damages assessed as unbalanced state interference with freedom of expression and notes that these guidelines and attempts to separate legisation to prescribe additional criteria for estimating the amount of damage indicate supremacy of the right to freedom of expression in relation the protection of honor and dignity.Analizirani su razlozi i posledice dekriminalizacije klevete u krivičnom zakonodavstvu Republike Srbije. Primeri iz uporednog prava pokazuju da je bilo moguće izmenama zakonskog rešenja i prakse sprečiti pojave kršenja slobode izražavanja (suprotno članu 10 Evropske konvencije o ljudskim pravima i slobodama). Dekriminalizacijom klevete otvara se pitanje dovoljnosti građanskopravne zaštite časti i ugleda. Autor analizira presude Evropskog suda za ljudska prava u kojima su dosuđeni iznosi naknade štete ocenjeni kao neproporcionalno državno mešanje u slobodu izražavanja i konstatuje da te smernice i pokušaji da se posebnim zakonodavstvom propišu dopunski kriterijumi za odmeravanje visine štete ukazuju na suprematiju prava na slobodu izražavanja u odnosu na zaštitu časti i ugleda pojedinca


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    Book review - Prikaz knjig


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    Panic and repressive public reaction to the murder and sexual crimes committed against children and detection networks of pedophiles are the reasons why at the end of the twentieth century in the Anglo-Saxon legal system utilized indeterminate prison sentence and compulsory psychiatric treatment to prevent repeated the crime of the prisoners who are released from prison. Following the example of American law, preventive supervision or preventive detention have been introduced in other English-speaking countries, but also in continental legal system. Author comparing US legislation (federal, states Washington and Florida) and the United Kingdom legislation to show the differences in the approach to the protection of society from dangerous offenders. The US has used civil law model of forced psychiatric hospitalization (civil commitment), but now more often measures into criminal justice system (preventive detention or preventive supervision). Under the influence of the US similar measures were introduced in the UK, but UK legislations favors imprisonment (lifelong or extended) to protect the public from high risk of offender (England and Wales) and lifetime restrictions (in Scotland). However, these concepts are now abandoned (England) or reviewed (Scotland) due to lack of efficacy and risk of violations of human rights of prisoners.Panična i represivna reakcija javnosti na ubistva i seksualne zločine učinjene nad decom i afere u vezi sa seksualnom zloupotrebom dece bile su povod da se krajem XX veka u anglosaksonskom pravnom sistemu iskoristi kazna zatvora neodređenog trajanja i mera prinudnog psihijatrijskog lečenja da bi se sprečila osuđena lica puštena iz zatvora da ponove zločin. Po uzoru na pravo SAD, mere preventivnog nadzora ili preventivnog pritvora prihvaćene su u drugim anglofonskim državama, ali i u kontinentalnom pravnom sistemu. Autor komparira zakonodavstva SAD (federalno, Vašingtona i Floride) i Velike Britanije sa ciljem da pokaže razlike u kreiranju mera zaštite društva od opasnih učinilica. U SAD je iskorišćen građanskopravni model prinudne psihijatrijske hospitalizacije, a sada se više teži krivičnopravnim merama zatvaranja ili pojačanog nadzora na slobodi. Pod uticajem iz SAD slične mere su uvedene i u Velikoj Britaniji, ali uz favorizovanje zatvora izrečenog zbog opasnosti učinioca po društvo (Engleska i Vels) i doživotnih restrikcija osuđenih koji su na slobodi (u Škotskoj). Međutim, ti koncepti se sada napuštaju (Engleska) ili preispituju (Škotska) zbog nedovoljne efkasnosti i opasnosti od kršenja ljudskih prava osuđenih lica


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    The author analyzes legal position of the offenders with mental disorders in Belgium. It shows the development of legislation, traditionally (since 1930) based on criminological social defence theory, problems which occurred in earlier laws and attempts to overcome these deficiencies. The paper analyzes: the legal nature of administrative measure detention of mentally ill offenders, conditions for pronounced measure and the method of enforcement. Author notes that the latest changes of law (from 2014 and 2016) aim to mitigate the ambivalent nature of the measure and eliminate reasons for violation of basic rights of the offenders with mental disorders which are coercive treated in special institutions.Autor analizira položaj duševno poremećenih izvršilaca krivičnih dela u Belgiji. Prikazuje razvoj zakonodavstva koje je tradicionalno (od 1930.) zasnovano na doktrini kriminološke škole društvene odbrane, nedostatke ranijih zakona i pokušaje da se ti nedostaci ublaže. U radu se analizira pravna priroda mere prinudnog psihijatrijskog lečenja i zatvaranja, uslovi za izricanje i način izvršenja. Autor konstatuje da najnovije zakonske izmene (iz 2014. I 2016.) imaju za cilj da ublaže ambivalentnu prirodu mere i otklone razloge zbog kojih je dolazilo do kršenja osnovnih prava lica upućenih na prinudno psihijatrijsko institucionalno lečenje


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    This paper analyzes the comparative solutions in Common law and the European legal system concerning the execution sentence on weekends, in the regime of semi-custody or weekend custody. These solutions are regulated by the prison treatment as new, so called split sentences, special modes of execution of short term prison sentence or are used in the conditional release for additional control behavior of released prisoners and implementation of treatment. The advantage of these measures is that they are a convenience for the convicted persons retain a job or be allowed to continue their education. The disadvantages are related to difficulties in organizing the execution and low motivation of prisoners to engage in work activities that are organized for them during conditional release. However, solutions of the prison treatment can be inspiring for the Republic of Serbia, which has a large prison population convicted on short time prison sentences.U radu se analiziraju uporedna rešenja u anglo-saksonskom i evropsko-kontinentalnom pravnom sistemu u vezi sa izvršenjem kazne zatvora preko vikenda, u režimu poludnevnog zatvaranja. Ove varijante zatvorskog tretmana regulišu se kao nove, tzv. podeljene sankcije, posebni načini izvršenja kazne zatvora, podesni za kratkotrajne kazne zatvora ili se primenjuju u okviru uslovnog otpusta, radi dodatne kontrole ponašanja osuđenih lica i sprovođenja tretmana. Prednost ovih mera je u tome što predstavljaju pogodnost za o suđena lica koja zadržavaju radno mesto ili mogu nesmetano da nastave školovanje. Nedostaci su vezani za teškoće u organizovanju izvršenja i malu motivisanost osuđenih lica da se uključe u radne aktivnosti koje se za njih organizuju tokom uslovnog otpusta. Ipak, varijante zatvorskog tretmana mogu biti inspirativne za Republiku Srbiju koja se ima brojnu zatvorsku populaciju


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    This erratum concerns a correction in the article KONTROLA STRANIH DIREKTNIH INVESTICIJA U PRAVU EU U USLOVIMA KRIZE IZAZVANE PANDEMIJOM published in Strani pravni život, Vol 65, no. 3, 2021, pp. 361-374 (doi: 10.5937/spz65-33936). On page 361 in the course of editorial process a footnote was omitted. The missing footnote should state the following: ** Rad predstavlja rezultat projekta Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu „Epidemija. Pravo. Društvo“ za 2021. godinu. The corrected version of the article was published on the website of the journal: http://www.stranipravnizivot.rs/index.php/SPZ/article/view/837/802. The error lies solely on the editorial board, and the author bears no responsibility. We would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.  Ova ispravka se odnosi na članak KONTROLA STRANIH DIREKTNIH INVESTICIJA U PRAVU EU U USLOVIMA KRIZE IZAZVANE PANDEMIJOM objavljen u časopisu Strani pravni život, Vol 65, br. 3, 2021, str. 361-374 (doi: 10.5937/spz65-33936). Na strani 361 tokom uređivačkog postupka ispuštena je fusnota. Fusnota bi trebalo da glasi: ** Rad predstavlja rezultat projekta Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu „Epidemija. Pravo. Društvo“ za 2021. godinu. Ispravljena verzija članka objavljena je na sajtu časopisa: http://www.stranipravnizivot.rs/index.php/SPZ/article/view/837/802. Odgovornost zbog propusta leži isključivo na uredništvu časopisa, autor ne snosi nikakvu odgovornost. Uredništvo se izvinjava zbog propusta. &nbsp

    Radiation-mediated induction of p53 pathway in the rat hippocampus

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    Ionizing radiation (IR) is commonly used in the treatment of brain tumors but it can cause significant damage to surrounding normal brain tissue. In this study, heads of young Wistar rats (18 days old) were subjected to a single dose of gamma irradiation (10 Gy) similar to that used in prophylactic brain irradiation of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The kinetics of apoptosis associated proteins (p53 and Bax) were examined by Western blotting and RT-PCR. We observed that p53 mRNA expression was unchanged after irradiation, while induction of p53 protein was rapid, leading to the accumulation of p53 protein in the cytoplasm. In addition, Bax mRNA and protein levels were also increased following cranial irradiation. These results indicate that cranial irradiation, used in terms of prophylactic therapy, is associated with activation of the p53 system, alongside with induction of positive apoptosis regulator Bax.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200

    An integrated view on society readiness and initial reaction to COVID-19: A study across European countries

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    With the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the question of society's capability to deal with an acute health crisis is, once again, brought to the forefront. In the core is the need to broaden the perspective on the determinants of a country's ability to cope with the spread of the virus. This paper is about bringing together diverse aspects of readiness and initial reaction to a COVID-19 outbreak. We proposed an integrated evaluation framework which encapsulates six dimensions of readiness and initial reaction. Using a specific multi-level outranking method, we analysed how these dimensions affect the relative positioning of European countries in the early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak. The results revealed that the order of countries based on our six-dimensional assessment framework is significantly reminiscent of the actual positioning of countries in terms of COVID-19 morbidity and mortality in the initial phase of the pandemic. Our findings confirm that only when a country's readiness is complemented by an appropriate societal reaction we can expect a less severe outcome. Moreover, our study revealed different patterns of performance between former communist Eastern European and Western European countries